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Before / After
Narrow palatal arch was not intercepted at early age resulting a severe class III malocclusion with genetic predisposition. Partial tongue tie has always been overlooked in the etiology of dental & skeletal malocclusion. Patient’s refusal for surgical correction is understandable.
For aesthetic correction for the revered bite, narrow dental arches (resulting in a narrow smile),dental crowding without extraction, and canted occlusal plane can be handled by Controlled Arch Therapy.

Come to see the final result after some aesthetic enhancing restorative procedures were done. Turning a surgical to a non-invasive aesthetic case outcome is just amazing and rewarding.
In Progress
Mouth breathing is a result of chronic upper airway obstruction and it induces many negative functional adaptive changes resulting in facial & dental arch asymmetry, dental crowding, open bite, tongue thrust, incompetent lips and even a lingual version of the upper lateral incisors in this case.
This case has demonstrate the correction of facial asymmetry and dental crowding via the intrinsic power of the Controlled Arch Therapy, unlike the traditional straight wire orthodontics that required to have 4 bicuspids extraction. Come to see how we can rotate the upper lateral incisors 180°. All Rights Reserved.

110 East 40th Street, Suite 102
New York NY 10016 U.S.A.
212-683-8288 (O)
212-683-4621 (F)
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