Before / After
Long narrow palate with over 8mm overjet, complete overbite, dental crowding and diastema, atypical swallowing pattern with severe Mentalis muscle adaptive hyperactivity.
Severe overbite, overjet, step occlusal plane, narrow dental arches, dental crowding and diastema has been corrected without dental extraction, mini-implant, intrusion/extrusion/utility/rocking chair arches and or headgears. Smile is improved with soften mentalis muscle and shallower mental crease.
This is the power of simplicity of the Controlled Arch Therapy!!!
Early mixed dentition and Class III skeletal tendency is intercepted with a simple growth appliance to prevent aberrant growth and dental malocclusion from getting worse.
4 month usage of functional growth appliance
Only 4 months full time wear can correct reversed overjet and induce a return of patient’s normal genetic programmed growth.
Early treatment is the gold standard instead of adopting a wait and see approach that is advocated by many orthodontic authorities.